“Everyone I know could use a A Ticket to Glide right about now.” – Christopher

A Ticket to Glide (In the Flow)

Your ticket to the inner experiences of relaxation, peace, and creativity

Experience the transformative power of ambient healing sounds. Recharge, relax, and ignite creativity in minutes.

  • Transforms mood and energy levels rapidly
  • Sparks creativity and facilitates natural awakening
  • Promotes profound relaxation and stress relief

“Bread and butter tracks that can be played over and over without getting tired of them – they amplify a sense of well-being, and they’re effective.” – Greg Hopkins

Listen to the Samples Now

Use of headphones will provide the most optimal experience. To fully experience the potential of this program, please get comfortable, close your eyes, and relax for the next 3 minutes. Allow the ambient music soundtrack to immerse you in a deep sense of relaxation and peaceful well-being.

Don’t be fooled – this is not just a beautiful soundscape – it is the technology infused in the soundtrack that evokes the powerful response.

A Ticket to Glide  was designed to:

  • Spark your desire to listen joyfully
  • Promote deep relaxation and stress relief
  • Enhance creativity and intuition
  • Facilitate problem-solving skills
  • Improve learning and memory capabilities
  • Foster better sleep patterns
  • Lead to increased energy levels upon waking
  • Contribute to improved mood and emotional health
  • Foster a greater sense of inner peace and balance

Nadja Lind on accessing the "easy state" [00:46]

The artist's brainwaves (8 to 13 Hz). Associated with creative flow • relaxed focus • stress release • presence • enhanced problem solving
The artist's brainwaves (8 to 13 Hz). Associated with creative flow • relaxed focus • stress release • presence • enhanced problem solving
For the Inner Journey (3 to 7 Hz). Associated with: insight • visualization • inner journeying • dreamwork • intuition • deep states of meditation • healing
For the Inner Journey (3 to 7 Hz). Associated with: insight • visualization • inner journeying • dreamwork • intuition • deep states of meditation • healing
Use of sound to influence brainwave activity. Forms of brainwave entrainment might include: binaural • isochronic • monaural •  psychacoustic • panning, etc.
Use of sound to influence brainwave activity. Forms of brainwave entrainment might include: binaural • isochronic • monaural • psychacoustic • panning, etc.
Most effective with headphones
Most effective with headphones

Additional Info


Track Details

01 Empowerment [28:59 minutes]

Empowerment  operates within the frequency range of 8 – 13 Hz, which is known to promote a state of relaxed alertness. Alpha waves are associated with improved focus, mental clarity, and stress reduction.

02 Revitalization [22:25 minutes]

Revitalization  utilizes binaural theta brainwave entrainment in the frequency range of 3 – 7 Hz, which is associated with deep relaxation, meditation, and enhanced creativity. Theta waves are known to facilitate access to the subconscious mind, promoting emotional healing and introspection.

Full package includes:

  • 2 tracks (for a total of 51:24 minutes)
  • Tracks accessible on the free iAwake® Technologies app for iOS and Android
  • Downloadable audio files available in MP3, WAV, FLAC, and ALAC formats
  • User Guide (downloadable PDF)
  • Ongoing support (responsive email, active Facebook forum, FAQs, videos, audios)

About the Tracks from the Creator, Nadja Lind

Use Track 1 “Empowerment”  to:

  • Improve concentration and mental clarity while tackling complex tasks while working or studying
  • Start your day with an energy boost as part of your morning routine
  • Enhance your workout by achieving a relaxed yet focused state of mind before you begin
  • Take short breaks throughout the day to reset your focus and prevent mental fatigue
  • Alleviate stress and promote emotional balance by incorporating Empowerment into your daily routine
  • Regain mental and emotional equilibrium by taking a moment to listen to Empowerment
  • Enhance your mindfulness exercises by promoting a state of relaxed alertness

Use Track 2 “Revitalization”  to:

  • Enhance your meditation practice by entering a deeply relaxed and introspective state
  • Wind down before bedtime and encourage a restful night’s sleep
  • Boost your artistic endeavors by tapping into your subconscious mind and fostering creativity
  • Encourage self-reflection and healing by addressing unresolved emotions and memories
  • Unwind after a long day and release accumulated stress
  • Rebalance your energy levels by taking a short break to listen to Revitalization
  • Enhance your visualization exercises by entering a deeply relaxed and receptive state

The Story of the Development of A Ticket to Glide (In the Flow)  from the Creator, Nadja Lind

Utilizing healing sounds, brain entrainment, and self-hypnosis has always been instrumental in assisting me to recover from my traumatized brain and helping me break free from compulsive thinking and repetitive thought patterns. These methods have also been effective in enhancing my mood. Moreover, I’ve found that my own ambient creations serve as a fast-acting remedy to recharge me when I’m feeling depleted, weak, stressed, annoyed, sorrowful, or depressed.

After lying down, putting on an eye mask, and listening to one of my favorite ambient brainwave entrainment tracks via headphones, I’m able to transform my state completely within 20 minutes or less. This experience rejuvenates me entirely, leaving me feeling invigorated, upbeat, and prepared to take on my tasks. It boosts my creativity and overall happiness, making me a more pleasant person to be around.

This transformation feels like a quick press of a reset button, or consuming a potent medication, but without any negative side effects. 

Another significant advantage for me is the ability to wake up naturally because the sound is specifically designed to facilitate this. However, the reverse happens when I try to take a nap without these sounds. Instead of waking up after 20 minutes, I tend to oversleep and wake up feeling groggy, disoriented, and occasionally more exhausted than before. It’s as if my brain has turned into sluggish yogurt. Hence, these ambient sounds provide a crucial balance in my life.

In addition to all these incredible benefits, I find immense joy in listening to these sounds! There’s no need for me to persuade myself to engage with them, as I genuinely love this music. It never fails to give me goosebumps and evoke a profound sense of relaxation and happiness. The experience brings about immediate stress reduction and relief.

Interestingly, I’ve noticed some fascinating effects in the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, where my body is at rest, yet my mind remains fully conscious and aware of everything happening around me. In this state, I regularly experience creative ideas and visions, making the entire process even more rewarding and enjoyable.

Moreover, these beneficial experiences aren’t unique to me alone. I’ve received similar feedback from users around the globe who have also found immense value and transformative effects in listening to these healing sounds. They too report feeling revitalized, experiencing a boost in creativity, and obtaining a profound sense of relaxation and happiness.

Nadja Lind: How A Ticket to Glide came to be [03:04]

“I found these tracks powerfully helpful for letting go of emotional tension like overwhelm and stress. After listening to both tracks simultaneously, I experienced a rejuvenating reset. Emotional tension that was building and narrowing my focus was released and I returned to a state of broader awareness, abundance, and gratitude for everything I have in my life. When I used the tracks for focused writing, there seemed to be an increased speed at which thoughts were translated to written word. I have had this experience with iAwake® tracks before, but these tracks seem to have surpassed all tracks I’ve used in the past. I seemed to be writing directly from the subconscious. It is such an amazing experience!!! – Lisa Celentano, MA, LMHC

“These are the best tracks I’ve had the privilege of listening to in a long time. The theta track has become my daily treat…I think “Revitalization” is the perfect name for it, describing exactly my experience. It’s the perfect midday boost, post-training recharge, and especially a lift when I’m frustrated, grumpy, or sad. I used the “Empowerment” track as suggested, whilst reading medical journals. It wasn’t very useful in this regard, deserving a sitting session with eyes closed in its own right, to savor the waves of physical pleasure it supported. Overall…I love these tracks!
Deep bow of respect to maestro Nadja. If you only use one meditation aid, let it be this one.” – Paul